

Din sökning på "zoom" gav 2276 sökträffar

Welcome to the course Feminist Perspectives of Caring Relations and Family Policies

SOCB42, 10 credits Course period: 6 February – 2 June 2024 This course is part of the virtual programme exchange Equality, Diversity, and Inclusion but can also be studied as a freestanding course on its own.In this welcome letter you will find information about how to log in to your learning platform Canvas, where to find course literature and course registration.Mandatory introductory meetingThe

https://www.soc.lu.se/en/welcome-letters-spring/welcome-course-feminist-perspectives-caring-relations-and-family-policies - 2025-03-07


Mentimeter is an interactive tool you can use to quickly collect anonymous answers from a large or small group of people, for example as part of a presentation. You can choose to receive the answers in many different ways, such as in the form of word clouds, bars or markings on an image. Your student account gives you free access to the full version of Mentimeter.Create your Mentimeter account – m

https://www.campusonline.lu.se/en/digital-tools/mentimeter - 2025-03-07

Tema Digital examination

Prenumerera på vårt nyhetsbrev! Planera din digitala examination Pedagogiska tips och råd, pedagogiskt stöd och tillgänglighet Bygg och genomför din tenta Information om verktyg, hjälp kring dataskydd mm samt checklistor som kan stötta dig Utbildningar Workshops & utbildningar inom digital examination Föregående Nästa Play Pause Pedagogiska råd & tips Artiklar om digital examination Dataskydd mmfr

https://www.education.lu.se/tema-digital-examination - 2025-03-07

Quick Bites: Don't pay unnecessarily for your information!

3 April 2025 12:30 to 13:00 | Seminar The Library of Science's knowledge series Quick Bites for Researchers, this week on the theme: access your literature for free. Do you sometimes encounter a paywall when you try to access an article? Or you get a tip about a brand new book you want to read but can't find in the library? We will show you how to order interlibrary loans and purchase proposals fr

https://www.science-library.lu.se/calendar/quick-bites-dont-pay-unnecessarily-your-information - 2025-03-07

Quick Bites: Showcase ongoing research and report back to your research funders

15 April 2025 12:30 to 13:00 | Seminar The Library of Science's knowledge series Quick Bites for Researchers, this week on the theme: LUCRIS project pages. We will show you how you can create a page that gathers information about your research project, through LUCRIS project pages. LUCRIS let you showcase everything from publications, conference presentations, and project descriptions, to meeting

https://www.science-library.lu.se/calendar/quick-bites-showcase-ongoing-research-and-report-back-your-research-funders - 2025-03-07

Quick Bites: Overton – Are you visible in policy?

24 April 2025 12:30 to 13:00 | Seminar The Library of Science's knowledge series Quick Bites for Researchers, this week on the theme: Overton. Overton is a policy and grey literature database with policy documents, government publications and reports from all around the world. At the same time, the database functions as a tool for measuring the impact of research on society. We will show you how y

https://www.science-library.lu.se/calendar/quick-bites-overton-are-you-visible-policy - 2025-03-07

Quick Bites: DMP and Data Documentation

13 May 2025 12:30 to 13:00 | Seminar The Library of Science's knowledge series Quick Bites for Researchers, this week on the theme: data management plans. How can a Data Management Plan (DMP) help you structure and manage your research data effectively? In this session, we will go through the key components of a DMP and how it can evolve over time. We will also look at how you can work with differ

https://www.science-library.lu.se/calendar/quick-bites-dmp-and-data-documentation - 2025-03-07

Quick Bites: Get your profile page in order

27 May 2025 12:30 to 13:00 | Seminar The Library of Science's knowledge series Quick Bites for Researchers, this week on the theme: the profile page in LUCRIS. We will show you how to make the most of your profile page in LUCRIS. Everything from linking to your other profiles on ResearchGate, ORCID, or Scopus, ensuring your publications are captured by the automatic import, to adding a picture, de

https://www.science-library.lu.se/calendar/quick-bites-get-your-profile-page-order - 2025-03-07

LU News 19

Published 20 November. University-wide news Show more news On the University Management’s agenda Susanne Kristensson, University Director"To offer the best possible support for the University’s operations, we need to continuously review the organisation and working methods so that optimum support is provided while balancing the budget. Based on this, a number of changes are being made."Central Adm

https://www.staff.lu.se/category/lu-news-19-2024 - 2025-03-08

April 30th 2020

From the management We would like to thank all of you who participated in the online CEC Science Says! conference – BECC-MERGE spring meeting, April 23-24! A big thanks for interesting presentations, fruitful conversations and sharing of expertise and thoughts from all participants – we could not have done this online event so successfully without you! From your discussions on how BECC and MERGE c

https://www.cec.lu.se/staff-pages/staff-newsletters/april-30th-2020 - 2025-03-07

Tillgänglighetstisdag: Det digitala rummets betydelse med Marie Leijon från Malmö universitet

25 mars 2025 12:15 till 13:00 | Inspirationslunch Foto som visar en närbild på två solrosor i motljus. Välkommen till mars månads Tillgänglighetstisdag. Marie Leijon kommer tillbaka, den här gången för att prata om det digitala rummets betydelse. Foto: Yangjin Chen från Unsplash.com.Marie Leijon är fil. doktor och docent i pedagogik samt lektor i högskolepedagogisk utveckling. I höstas gästade hon

https://www.education.lu.se/evenemang/tillganglighetstisdag-det-digitala-rummets-betydelse-med-marie-leijon-fran-malmo-universitet - 2025-03-07

Mötesplats Rydberg - The SCALE-UP Active-Learning Pedagogy

11 mars 2025 15:15 till 16:00 | Seminarium The SCALE-UP Active-Learning Pedagogy- Collaborative activities for a student-centered learning environment.Med Gerald Feldman, professor vid institutionen för fysik, George Washington University, Washington, DC USA.Seminariet ges på engelska. En sammanfattning av seminariet finns på vår engelskspråkiga webbplats.Workshop om SCALE-UP Active-Learning-pedag

https://www.fysik.lu.se/evenemang/motesplats-rydberg-scale-active-learning-pedagogy - 2025-03-07

CASE Scientific Sessions

CASE erbjuder tvärvetenskapliga seminarier och workshoppar med fokus på åldrande och stödjande miljöer. CASE Scientific Sessions riktar sig framför allt till forskare och brukarrådet vid CASE, men är även öppna för andra forskare och personal inom olika samhällssektorer. Allmänheten kan också delta.Forskare vid juridiska fakulteten, medicinska fakulteten, samhällsvetenskapliga fakulteten och Lunds

https://www.case.lu.se/aktiviteter/case-scientific-sessions - 2025-03-07